
Competence of the future from Karelia University of Applied Sciences

Karelia University of Applied Sciences educates skilled professionals for the needs of future working life. Karelia University of Applied Sciences offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in seven fields.

The university also offers two Bachelor’s degree programmes in English: International Business and Industrial Management. Some of the modules in the Finnish-language degree programmes are also organised in English.

Karelia University of Applied Sciences is a significant and well-known educational institute playing a key role in promoting regional development as well as research, development and innovation (RDI). Karelia University of Applied Sciences is an active member of various national and international networks bringing together universities and operators in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.

Karelia offers its students excellent opportunities for internationalisation. The connections with working life also remain strong throughout the studies, and the education responds to the needs of working life. The students get to participate in research and development projects with the local businesses and employers as well as other educational institutes.

Universities of applied sciences are educational institutes offering higher education in Finland. Another party offering higher education are the universities. Studies at a university of applied sciences are practical and vocational. The studies are a combination of the latest theoretical information and strong connections with working life. The acquired skills can already be put to use during the studies in various working life projects, commissions, graduation projects and mandatory apprenticeship.


Talent Hub Eastern Finland

Talent Hub Eastern Finland is a joint project based on cooperation between six educational institutions from different levels of education in the North Karelia and North Savo region. It is funded by the ESF+ and runs from 2023 to 2027. The project parties are the University of Eastern Finland, Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Riveria North Karelia Municipal Education and Training Consortium Finland, Savo Vocational College and Ylä-Savo Vocational College.

The common goal of educational institutions is to increase the employment of international students in the region after graduation, especially in sectors suffering from labour shortages. Entrepreneurship is one of these means of employment. The project has four work packages that educational institutions implement in their own sub-projects, in collaboration with each other.

Karelia UAS subproject 1.10.2023-31.12.2027 promotes Karelia’s strategic choice of ‘educational immigration’ and Talent Boost activities in a variety of ways.

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